Often we do things in a certain way, just because we've always done it that way, or we were taught to do it that way. But over time things change and there may well be a better, and this often means a quicker way. This applies just as much to computers, particularly the software, which evolves rapidly by changing existing functions and adding new ones. The current version of Microsoft Word is very different to that of 10 years ago and offers a great deal more features, but most people only want to do basic word processing. 

Often by spending a relatively small amount of time getting a clear understanding of what the person is trying to achieve, and then undertaking a small amount of software re-configuration with a little specific hands-on training it is possible to find a quicker and easier method. The important thing is to focus on the task and end result, rather than the computer, which is the tool to do it. Who doesn't want to free up some time for what matters to them?