When we look for content on the internet we normally use a search engine such as Google or Bing to find those web pages which meet our search criteria. Each search engine has it's own jealously guarded algorithm for deciding the order, or rank of the pages returned. Search engine optimisation or SEO refers to the process of trying to get a web page at or near the top of the rankings. It is an inexact science as the search engine authors do not publish their algorithms, and may update them without notice.

Typically people only view the first few pages of search results so any content lower down the rankings is likely to be ignored. Why does this matter? If you undertake a search with fairly generic criteria there is a good chance that the algorithm will rank the pages based on what interests other browsers rather than what is most relevant to you. It is often better to be more specific and make the search more generic only if the results are too sparse. Using the advanced search criteria can also help.

If you have a website and you want to be found by the search engines you need to find out about the tips and tricks for increasing your page ranking, or employ a reputable SEO company to do it for you. If you plan to publish your website address via other means such as business cards, flyers, email or other advertising methods it is of less importance.